Friday, August 31
I am seeing my psychiatrist this morning to let her know that I am feeling like:
Thursday, August 30
Hard as stone
with hidden fears
she love in silence
no one hears
Eyes of ice
never to melt
locked feelings
never felt
Spirit of steel
never broken
f rozen emotions
left unspoken
Heart of gold
sweet as can be
beautiful soul
she means so much to me.
with hidden fears
she love in silence
no one hears
Eyes of ice
never to melt
locked feelings
never felt
Spirit of steel
never broken
f rozen emotions
left unspoken
Heart of gold
sweet as can be
beautiful soul
she means so much to me.
Wednesday, August 29

Om, therefore, represents both the unmanifest (nirguna) and manifest (saguna) aspects of God.
Om provides a dualistic viewpoint. On one hand, it projects the mind beyond the immediate to what is abstract and inexpressible. On the other hand, it makes the absolute more tangible and comprehensive. It encompasses all potentialities and possibilities; it is everything that was, is, or can yet be. It is omnipotent and likewise remains undefined.
Why I Love Being A Virgo!!!!!!!!
August 29, 2007
Today you may be feeling inspired to express yourself in creative and innovative ways. Your imaginative ideas can make mundane tasks into adventures in fun or give birth to new projects. Your light is likely to energize those around you as well, making you the center of attention, and sharing your inspiration by association. Whether this gives you a great idea to increase your status in the boardroom, or helps you find a creative outlet that helps you make your life a work of art, you will have the imaginative energy today to decorate your life and your world.
Today you may be feeling inspired to express yourself in creative and innovative ways. Your imaginative ideas can make mundane tasks into adventures in fun or give birth to new projects. Your light is likely to energize those around you as well, making you the center of attention, and sharing your inspiration by association. Whether this gives you a great idea to increase your status in the boardroom, or helps you find a creative outlet that helps you make your life a work of art, you will have the imaginative energy today to decorate your life and your world.
Tuesday, August 28
No Poor People Here!
The Census Bureau on Tuesday released 2006 income and poverty figures for all the states and every city and county with a population of 65,000 or more.
Among the findings:
-Maryland led the country with a median household income of $65,144. It was followed by New Jersey, Connecticut, Hawaii and Massachusetts.
-Mississippi had the lowest median income, at $34,473. It was followed by West Virginia, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Alabama.
-Mississippi had the highest poverty rate, at 21.1 percent. It was followed by Louisiana, New Mexico, Arkansas and West Virginia.
-Maryland had the lowest poverty rate, at 7.8 percent. It was followed by New Hampshire, Connecticut, New Jersey and Hawaii.
Among the findings:
-Maryland led the country with a median household income of $65,144. It was followed by New Jersey, Connecticut, Hawaii and Massachusetts.
-Mississippi had the lowest median income, at $34,473. It was followed by West Virginia, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Alabama.
-Mississippi had the highest poverty rate, at 21.1 percent. It was followed by Louisiana, New Mexico, Arkansas and West Virginia.
-Maryland had the lowest poverty rate, at 7.8 percent. It was followed by New Hampshire, Connecticut, New Jersey and Hawaii.

By: Thomas Sowell
A whole nation following the tragedy of a mine cave-in in Utah was struck by the further tragedy of another cave-in at the same mine, killing men who had gone underground to try to rescue the miners trapped there.
The second tragedy was avoidable -- but only if we were willing to talk about human life in terms of trade-offs. But our society has become too squeamish to do that.
As day after day went by, with no sign whatever that the trapped miners were still alive and with dwindling chances each day of their remaining alive, even if they had somehow survived the cave-in, at some point it makes no sense to risk more lives to try to save them.
"But what if it was your brother or your father down there?" some would say. "Would you want to stop looking if there was any chance at all that he might still be alive?"
The short answer is: What if it was your brother or your father who had to risk his life in a rescue attempt underground?
Trade-offs are inescapable in every aspect of life but anyone who talks about trade-offs when life is at stake is likely to be denounced as someone lacking in compassion, if not cruel.
Squeamishness is too often confused with humanity, but the consequence of squeamishness can be needless suffering and needless deaths.
Many a cold-blooded murderer has had his life spared because people squeamish about executions imagine that it is more moral or humane to lock him up for life -- or until he escapes or is pardoned someday when an even more squeamish governor is elected.
Additional people murdered by convicted murderers are part of the grim price paid for that squeamishness.
They can be murdered while in prison or on the outside, perhaps during one of those "furloughs" for prisoners so fashionable among those who flatter themselves as being more advanced thinkers than the rest of us.
The price of their vanity can be deaths more terrible than the executions they regard as too cruel to carry out.
Some of the victims of our squeamishness die unnoticed because their deaths are not considered to be as newsworthy as the deaths of victims of mine cave-ins or of murder.
Thousands of people die every year waiting for organ transplants that never come, and some of these deaths come at the end of months or years of debilitation and suffering.
In some countries, it is legal to purchase organs to be transplanted. Some people spend upwards of $100,000 to go to those countries for a transplant operation when they cannot get a kidney or a liver or other organ here.
Why is the selling of an organ illegal here? Because so many people are so squeamish about such a transaction.
Many of these squeamish people are in good health and will probably never need an organ transplant. But others who are not so fortunate must suffer and die because these physically healthy people would feel squeamish about organs being bought and sold.
No doubt people who are poor are more likely to sell a kidney than people who are rich, so opposition to such sales can be wrapped in the rhetoric of "social justice."
But what is just about denying some people an opportunity to get out of poverty and denying other people an opportunity to get out of debilitation and suffering that can only end in death?
Not all organ sales would have to be from living people, just as most organ transplants today are not from living people.
People could sell the right to have their organs removed after death or sell the rights to the organs of dead family members, if they chose.
Nothing is easier than to conjure up horrible scenarios that could result from sales of organs. But the very reason we have laws in the first place is because horrible things could happen otherwise in every aspect of life.
More organs to transplant are needed, and people tend to supply more of anything when they are paid more -- and especially when they are paid something instead of being paid nothing.
But, here as elsewhere, we must first overcome squeamishness. And the first step is to stop confusing it with being humane.
A whole nation following the tragedy of a mine cave-in in Utah was struck by the further tragedy of another cave-in at the same mine, killing men who had gone underground to try to rescue the miners trapped there.
The second tragedy was avoidable -- but only if we were willing to talk about human life in terms of trade-offs. But our society has become too squeamish to do that.
As day after day went by, with no sign whatever that the trapped miners were still alive and with dwindling chances each day of their remaining alive, even if they had somehow survived the cave-in, at some point it makes no sense to risk more lives to try to save them.
"But what if it was your brother or your father down there?" some would say. "Would you want to stop looking if there was any chance at all that he might still be alive?"
The short answer is: What if it was your brother or your father who had to risk his life in a rescue attempt underground?
Trade-offs are inescapable in every aspect of life but anyone who talks about trade-offs when life is at stake is likely to be denounced as someone lacking in compassion, if not cruel.
Squeamishness is too often confused with humanity, but the consequence of squeamishness can be needless suffering and needless deaths.
Many a cold-blooded murderer has had his life spared because people squeamish about executions imagine that it is more moral or humane to lock him up for life -- or until he escapes or is pardoned someday when an even more squeamish governor is elected.
Additional people murdered by convicted murderers are part of the grim price paid for that squeamishness.
They can be murdered while in prison or on the outside, perhaps during one of those "furloughs" for prisoners so fashionable among those who flatter themselves as being more advanced thinkers than the rest of us.
The price of their vanity can be deaths more terrible than the executions they regard as too cruel to carry out.
Some of the victims of our squeamishness die unnoticed because their deaths are not considered to be as newsworthy as the deaths of victims of mine cave-ins or of murder.
Thousands of people die every year waiting for organ transplants that never come, and some of these deaths come at the end of months or years of debilitation and suffering.
In some countries, it is legal to purchase organs to be transplanted. Some people spend upwards of $100,000 to go to those countries for a transplant operation when they cannot get a kidney or a liver or other organ here.
Why is the selling of an organ illegal here? Because so many people are so squeamish about such a transaction.
Many of these squeamish people are in good health and will probably never need an organ transplant. But others who are not so fortunate must suffer and die because these physically healthy people would feel squeamish about organs being bought and sold.
No doubt people who are poor are more likely to sell a kidney than people who are rich, so opposition to such sales can be wrapped in the rhetoric of "social justice."
But what is just about denying some people an opportunity to get out of poverty and denying other people an opportunity to get out of debilitation and suffering that can only end in death?
Not all organ sales would have to be from living people, just as most organ transplants today are not from living people.
People could sell the right to have their organs removed after death or sell the rights to the organs of dead family members, if they chose.
Nothing is easier than to conjure up horrible scenarios that could result from sales of organs. But the very reason we have laws in the first place is because horrible things could happen otherwise in every aspect of life.
More organs to transplant are needed, and people tend to supply more of anything when they are paid more -- and especially when they are paid something instead of being paid nothing.
But, here as elsewhere, we must first overcome squeamishness. And the first step is to stop confusing it with being humane.
Monday, August 27
I Can't Get Enough!

School that is!. Well at least I am not going back for a real degree. I am going to start taking photography classes at P.G.C.C! Very exciting! I am going to really educate myself on the true meaning of being asian! I need to properly work a camera! This is very exciting news! After I am done with my MBA in December, I will start in January taking classes in the evenings at the largo campus. I had no idea they had other campus's!
I took classes in H.S, and I LOVED it! I cannot wait to buy new equiptment, use a dark room again, and really process my own Black and White prints! It's going to be lovely and exciting!
Foolish heart, looks like we’re here again.
Same old game of plastic smile,
Don’t let anybody in.
Hiding my heartache,
Will this glass house break?
How much will they take before I’m empty?
Do I let it show?
Does anybody know?
But You see the real me.
Hiding in my skin, broken from within.
Unveil me completely.
I’m loosening my grasp,
There’s no need to mask my frailty
Cause You see the real me.
Painted on, life is behind a mask,
Self-inflicted circus clown.
I’m tired of the song and dance,
Living a charade, always on parade.
What a mess I’ve made of my existence.
But You love me even nowAnd still I see somehow…
Wonderful, beautiful is what you see
When You look at me.
You’re turning the tattered fabric of my life
Into a perfect tapestry.
I just wanna be me,
And you love me just as I am.
Wonderful, beautiful is what you see
When you look at me.
Same old game of plastic smile,
Don’t let anybody in.
Hiding my heartache,
Will this glass house break?
How much will they take before I’m empty?
Do I let it show?
Does anybody know?
But You see the real me.
Hiding in my skin, broken from within.
Unveil me completely.
I’m loosening my grasp,
There’s no need to mask my frailty
Cause You see the real me.
Painted on, life is behind a mask,
Self-inflicted circus clown.
I’m tired of the song and dance,
Living a charade, always on parade.
What a mess I’ve made of my existence.
But You love me even nowAnd still I see somehow…
Wonderful, beautiful is what you see
When You look at me.
You’re turning the tattered fabric of my life
Into a perfect tapestry.
I just wanna be me,
And you love me just as I am.
Wonderful, beautiful is what you see
When you look at me.
I Love This!
"So put your hand in the hand of mine, and we'll spread this love like dandelions." TobyMac
Wednesday, August 22
Luckiest Girl In the World!
I feel like the luckiest girl in the world! I swear I have been on cloud 9... no wait... cloud 10! Life is wonderful, my friends are just these amazing group of people that I am just so proud of calling them my friends. I have a great family, that I could not ask for a better one! I have an amazing boyfriend that loves me, and I am madly in love with him too!
I cannot go on about how lucky I am with the people that are in my lives, they are so wonderful and terrific! We have the best times together and they are so selffless and gracious! We do so many wonderful things for eachother that bring us all closer together! We are so lucky to be friends!!!!!!
I cannot go on about how lucky I am with the people that are in my lives, they are so wonderful and terrific! We have the best times together and they are so selffless and gracious! We do so many wonderful things for eachother that bring us all closer together! We are so lucky to be friends!!!!!!
Tuesday, August 14
Date Night
Last night Jon took me to DC to watch Casablanca on the National Mall... It was filled with young people, old people, dogs and kids enjoying the bee-U-Tee-full weather in our nations capital. It was a perfect night, od spreading the picnic blanket, laying out, snuggling, eating our subs from Subway, enjoying the weather and the environment, and watching one of the best love stories of all time! Everytime Humphry Bogart said " hears lookin' at you kid!" to Ingrid Bergman, the crowd on the mall cheered!
It was such a wonderful date, a beautiful night, and a romantic movie.
I am all smiles today!
It was such a wonderful date, a beautiful night, and a romantic movie.
I am all smiles today!
Sunday, August 12
In 2 hours and 59 minutes I have succesfully finished my 2nd to last class of this MBA program. I am making it a big deal, because I am proud of my accomplishments. Yes thats right, I am being a little selffish and righteous, however I am still humble and appreciative. I was given this opportunity to have a free post graduate learning experience. I am getting this MBA for free and I do not forget that. I have been successful and have completed each semester with a grade of B or above. I think I have a reason to pat myself on the back. I finished an MBA in a little over 2 years, I am also working full time, and trying to maintain a fun social life. There have been times where I could not go out to "play" because I have been home doing homework or studying, I have missed a hell of alot of good times because of school.
Now, I have till September 4th to play, and then its down to the wire.... 13 weeks of MBA hell... the very last class of the program, and I am ready to kick its ass!
I have been through so much (in my world, at least) in the last year, been through rough times with loved ones, lost friends, gave up friends, got rid of friends, depression, post-traumatic stress, post-partum, more depression, suicide, fights, and just saddness. However, life is looking so much brighter these days, and I have so many people to thank for that! So many wonderful blessings have come out of this year, even though its been so heavy for my sometimes.
I am thankful, and I am so excited about finishing this next milestone in my life. 2 undergrad degrees, 1 masters, and soon in December 1 MBA. Many friends and co-workers are asking what is next for me..... I tell ya what... whats next is good nights sleep, sleeping in, not worrying about on Sunday nights what homework is done, drinking a good glass of wine, being with Jon, and our dogs and Lucy. No school for awhile, I am taking a long needed break! and it will be well worth it.
Thanks for you support to those that have helped me with my MBA these past couple of years.... your name should also be on that diploma, and when I have my graduation party, you will be recognized. I swear. Thank you. Lots of love.
Good Night, and Good Bye AMBA 606.
Now, I have till September 4th to play, and then its down to the wire.... 13 weeks of MBA hell... the very last class of the program, and I am ready to kick its ass!
I have been through so much (in my world, at least) in the last year, been through rough times with loved ones, lost friends, gave up friends, got rid of friends, depression, post-traumatic stress, post-partum, more depression, suicide, fights, and just saddness. However, life is looking so much brighter these days, and I have so many people to thank for that! So many wonderful blessings have come out of this year, even though its been so heavy for my sometimes.
I am thankful, and I am so excited about finishing this next milestone in my life. 2 undergrad degrees, 1 masters, and soon in December 1 MBA. Many friends and co-workers are asking what is next for me..... I tell ya what... whats next is good nights sleep, sleeping in, not worrying about on Sunday nights what homework is done, drinking a good glass of wine, being with Jon, and our dogs and Lucy. No school for awhile, I am taking a long needed break! and it will be well worth it.
Thanks for you support to those that have helped me with my MBA these past couple of years.... your name should also be on that diploma, and when I have my graduation party, you will be recognized. I swear. Thank you. Lots of love.
Good Night, and Good Bye AMBA 606.
Friday, August 10
Thats right 50 hours to go until I finish my second to last business class. I can literally feel that MBA diploma in my hands now!!!
50 hours, and I am done! Now, if only I can get a good rhythm going on my paper.... lots of breaks, no good!
50 hours!
50 hours, and I am done! Now, if only I can get a good rhythm going on my paper.... lots of breaks, no good!
50 hours!
Wednesday, August 8
Rudy for 2008

I Support Rudy's 12 Commitments to the American People!!!!!
Rudy Says:
I will keep America on offense in the Terrorists' War on us
I will end illegal immigration, secure our borders, and identify every non-citizen in our nation.
I will keep America on offense in the Terrorists' War on us
I will end illegal immigration, secure our borders, and identify every non-citizen in our nation.
I will restore fiscal discipline and cut wasteful Washington spending.
I will cut taxes and reform the tax code.
I will impose accountability on Washington.
I will cut taxes and reform the tax code.
I will impose accountability on Washington.
I will lead America towards energy independence.
I will give Americans more control over and acces to health care with affordable and portable free-market solutions.
I will give Americans more control over and acces to health care with affordable and portable free-market solutions.
I will increase adoptions, decrease abortions, and protect the quality of life for our children.
I will reform the legal system and appoint strict contructionist judges.
I will ensure that every community in America is prepared for terrorist attacks and natural disasters.
I will provide access to a quality education to every child in America by giving real school choice to parents.
I will expand America's involvement in the global economy and strengthen our reputation around the world.
I will reform the legal system and appoint strict contructionist judges.
I will ensure that every community in America is prepared for terrorist attacks and natural disasters.
I will provide access to a quality education to every child in America by giving real school choice to parents.
I will expand America's involvement in the global economy and strengthen our reputation around the world.
I support his vision and principles. I enjoy listening to him speak. I think that he is a decent man that has potential to be a great leader!
Tuesday, August 7
Winding Down

The summer is starting to wind down, with class coming to an end this sunday. The next couple of weeks will be spent working and enjoying every day life! Re-capping the summer events:
1. Polo Match/ Journey Concert!
2. Concerts!
3. Back Deck dinners!
4. Weekend in Paris!
5. Girls Only Wine Night!
6. International Business class (2nd to last class!!!!)
7. Puerto Rico!
8. Canoe Trip !
9. Ourdoor movie night with Jon in DC!
10. Def Leppard Concert with 18 of my awesomest friends!
11. Glenn Dale Bash to celebrate the coming end of the summer nights!
12. OBX trip! (Labor day week)
13. My Birthday! (Labor Day week)
1. Polo Match/ Journey Concert!
2. Concerts!
3. Back Deck dinners!
4. Weekend in Paris!
5. Girls Only Wine Night!
6. International Business class (2nd to last class!!!!)
7. Puerto Rico!
8. Canoe Trip !
9. Ourdoor movie night with Jon in DC!
10. Def Leppard Concert with 18 of my awesomest friends!
11. Glenn Dale Bash to celebrate the coming end of the summer nights!
12. OBX trip! (Labor day week)
13. My Birthday! (Labor Day week)
*** The biggest event this summer: MOVING IN WITH JON!!!!!!
Just a few that I thought of at the top of my head at this moment in time. The 2007 fall event thats wirth noting is my BFF getting married! Some very exciting things to look forward to for 2008... graduation! possible Bali trip! Lots to celebrate and lots of look forward too!
Just a few that I thought of at the top of my head at this moment in time. The 2007 fall event thats wirth noting is my BFF getting married! Some very exciting things to look forward to for 2008... graduation! possible Bali trip! Lots to celebrate and lots of look forward too!