Friday, May 9


As a capture manager, I get the opportunity to work with different people on different proposals. For instance, I am working with a few people from different areas of business in Lockheed for this current proposal. I have learned over the past few months, that I really am NOT a people person. I thought I was. I really thought, I was a nice person to work with. Ok, maybe I am just completly fed up with one particular man at work. We will call him "Venezuela" as thats where he currently resides. He is a pig, he is annoying, he is very rude. He is always interrupting, he talks to much, he makes rude comments about women, he tells us Waaaay too much information. I have discretly asked him to tone things down. To keep comments that are not work related to himself. I have actually been down to my last nerve where I have yelled at him, and told him that he is not a very good person... I made bad decisions then... I apologized since then.

He is calls the women here "girls", I tell him thats inappropriate. He makes condecending remarks, and comments. He is very rude. He is disgusting physically too... He says he has a model wife back in Venezuela. He is in his late 50's she is in her late 20's...27 to be exact. He admits that he is her sugar daddy, and that while he is working here, she is probably spending his money.... and thats okay. He admits that he likes to buy her things, and enjoys watching her shop (WTF?!?!?!)

It has been mentioned several times that mr. Venezuela has a terrible reputation with the women of Lockheed Martin. Not many women want to work with him. Now, I know why. This will be my last proposal with Mr. Venezuela... he is no longer welcome on my proposals.

Monday, May 5

How To Get Rid Of A One Night Stand

Sunday, May 4

I Have The Itch For....

Another Tattoo! I have been thinking about it for AWHILE!!!! It might be something I just need to go ahead and do!

Saturday, May 3

What a Hag!

Whats up with the bone sticking out of her thigh? Disgusting! BARF BARF!
DAMNIT~!! she is a total fuck up and look how rich she is... I think she is estimated in the billions?!?! for what?!!? Her songs suck now. If she is so rich, why doesn't she buy a toot for that little gap in her mouth? Geesh!!!

What The Eff?

I saw driving home in traffic last night and as I glanced in my rear view mirror, I saw this box on wheels weaving in and out between cars. It finally reached me a few cars ahead, and to my surprise, it was one of those smart cars... Boy, does it look strange. Kinda freaky, and I really do not think I would ever feel safe in the smallest car in the world. I swear the guy driving looked like his forehead was against the front window. It was scary. Also they are good with making tight turns that no normal car could make.. I am not ready for these "Smart" cars yet. Not at all!

I have the Need to Read!

I need to find a good summer novel. I am stuck on stupid and cannot find anything that is interesting enough to buy or check out from the library.... Any suggestions?

Thursday, May 1

I Blew It Last Night

Jon and I have gone 3 weeks without fighting. We have been working on our relationship and things were going SOOOO well, then last night I blew up at him about the upcoming Girls Night. I totally interrupted and did not let him talk, I huffed and pufed at him, I was not willing to listen, and now I am feeling super guilty and bad about the entire situation. It didn't have to go that way. I feel like I have been working so hard, and then.... BAM! I just drop the ball.

New day, I need to pick up where I left off and let it go. I apologized to him at 5:45a! after my workout today. I hope he remembers! Today I will NOT drop the ball! I will keep working on me!