Monday, July 30

Porch Sitter No More!

I am now a deck dweller! Thats right, been spending my summer nights sitting on the back deck with my man and our dogs, and good friends relaxing and hanging out. Take a look at why I love it out here so much!

This is how you know I am a true Bowie girl, my view from my deck. I cannot live without Bowie!!

Tuesday, July 17

His. Hers. Ours

He has his dogs, I have my dog. Now, we have our fish! Her name is Lucy (Thanks to the Beatles!) and she is a beautiful beta! For some reason, I really really like Lucy, and I am very happy she is here in our home. Check her out!

Friday, July 13

My Man, My Life, My Happiness

Its really that great, and I need to focus on the good things, and try not to fall down and be so sad... I need to pick myself up and be strong. There is more to my life, than to be so sad all the time. My life is great! I have a great man! A great house! great dogs! A great job! A not so great truck! but thats okay too!!!! My man is my brick and my wings! keeping me grounded and showing me how to fly! I love him Madly! And whats not to love! He is so handsome and stunning!!!!

Thursday, July 12


2 doctors appointments
switch bills
dinner with friend
LOST with Jon


* is what I am most looking forward too!

Tuesday, July 10

Sleepy Head

I have been so tired lately, and I have no reason to be. Well maybe because I have been feeling stressed out with work, with school, with moving in with Jon. I think that everything has started to fall like a giant rock. After Puerto Rico, I bagan to feel super stressed, mostly because the house is in disarray, and its taking so long to get it in order. I have too much stuff basically. I am feeling sad alot, and I want to just sleep again... all the time. I have been gaining weight, and thats not helping me feel better either. I am not active anymore, I am not going to the gym. I am feeling fat and lazy, and I don't want to be that either. I am just feeling like I am in this rut. I just want to cry. I just want to sleep. Thats all I want to do right now.

And why the hell can I NOT type in a damn title in this fucking blog? Blogspot wont let me.... assholes.

Monday, July 9

This is Why KNUT!!!!

Turns out little cutie Knut is growing up to be this normal polar bear. He is finally growing up and learning that maybe humans and polar bears cannot get along.