Wednesday, September 24

A First

I have just been invited to a wedding via voicemail! The wedding is in 2 weeks, and I am guessing they need filler seats... Sorry... I don't think I'll make it as I am walking 60 miles for Breast Cancer.... really... a wedding invite 2 weeks before the wedding.. via VOICEMAIL? WTF?

Thanks, but no thanks!

Thursday, September 18

The View Is Beautiful Here

From my back patio, this is the beautiful sunset I saw the other night! I can get used to nights like these over here in AA!

Monday, September 15


Kick Ball Season has officially started! I am part of the No-Talent A$$ Clowns!!! I am super pumped this year to kick some a$$ and take names later! First game starts thursday! WOO HOO!!!!!!

Monday, September 8

What's Going On?

I am feeling a bit annoyed, it might be from my fall this weekend due to an obscene amount of red bull vodka's and coor's lite's! I feel off my bed at the hotel, banged my head on the chair, and bruised my tailbone! OUCH!!

I am also feeling a bit annoyed at "Beaches and Bulldozers", I love him so much, and I am annoyed with him right now. He has not done anything terrible, I am just feeling annoyed by him. Does that ever happen to anyone? You just get annoyed with someone for no real important reason? Nothing to really justify your annoyance? I feel guilty... I am annoyed with that too.

He loves me, I love him, we never get enough time with eachother, the days and nights go by way to fast. I miss him terribly, and I cannot wait to see him at the end of the month. I cannot wait to see his family, its been way too many years! I am hoping that the days and nights till I get to be with him, go as quickly as when we are together. God, I am annoyed with time and my head is still killing me!

Thats all for now.