I Can't Get Enough!

School that is!. Well at least I am not going back for a real degree. I am going to start taking photography classes at P.G.C.C! Very exciting! I am going to really educate myself on the true meaning of being asian! I need to properly work a camera! This is very exciting news! After I am done with my MBA in December, I will start in January taking classes in the evenings at the largo campus. I had no idea they had other campus's!
I took classes in H.S, and I LOVED it! I cannot wait to buy new equiptment, use a dark room again, and really process my own Black and White prints! It's going to be lovely and exciting!
I took photography classes while working in the corporate world! I ended up loving taking pictures, I quit my $100K job and starting taking pictures for a living! Life cannot get any better for me now!
Good Luck!!!!!
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