Sunday, April 27
Saturday, April 26
Awesome-est Little Asian Ever!!!!
AND... this little rockin tott is Korean! I knew we had it in us to be rockstars!
Friday, April 25
Wednesday, April 23
It's Only Here, Where I Can Write This!

I was walking down the hallway and I had to fart, so I did. As I continued down the hallway, I could still smell the reminants of my gas. I walked faster, of course to make more wind! Little did I know, there was a co-working (who, thankfully I never met in my life!) walking right behind me... Embarrassed... HELL YES!
I have been locked up in my proposal pit, doing inspector gadget moves in order to leave, so I dont face this person ever in my life again!
Side note: The cause of the fart did not come from the below's delicious brownie!
Sunday, April 20
Rain Rain Go Away!
Its raining here in Rockville, Its Sunday, and I am working. YUK!!!
I wish I were at home
Holding hands with Jon
Sitting on the couch with the boys
Enjoying the warmth of home
Instead I am here
I wish I were at home
Holding hands with Jon
Sitting on the couch with the boys
Enjoying the warmth of home
Instead I am here
Saturday, April 19
New Top 5
It has come to my attention that I have a particular order in the t.v.shows I watch (Not movies... shows). Here is my list of top 5 shows I watch on the REGULAR! In ORDER!
1. 90210 back to back on the Soapnet
2. Law and Order
3. Bones
4. House
5. LOST (But there are no shows right now, so its 5th, otherwise it would be 2nd)
I think its a pretty great list of shows. Yes there are other shows I watch, for instance, anything awesome on Animal Planet, Discovery Channel, Nat Geo, and of course I love the Simpsons' on Fox.
I'm still wondering why I even wrote a list and thought this hard about the t.v. shows I like to watch. I'm truly THAT bored here at work on a Saturday.
1. 90210 back to back on the Soapnet
2. Law and Order
3. Bones
4. House
5. LOST (But there are no shows right now, so its 5th, otherwise it would be 2nd)
I think its a pretty great list of shows. Yes there are other shows I watch, for instance, anything awesome on Animal Planet, Discovery Channel, Nat Geo, and of course I love the Simpsons' on Fox.
I'm still wondering why I even wrote a list and thought this hard about the t.v. shows I like to watch. I'm truly THAT bored here at work on a Saturday.
This is what I would do.
IF I were a democrat, I would probably vote for Obama... not only does he have an awesome name. But, I feel that he is genuinly sincere in his actions and words. And I do think he can bring Change to the USA! Plus, the idea of Hillary in Office makes me think of rotting dead skin tissue with herpes on them.
Just my thoughts on what I would d, IF I were a donkey!
Just my thoughts on what I would d, IF I were a donkey!
Something Small and Funny
I just re-read a blog that a dear friend wrote today, she wrote something that brought back a hilarious memory and I just thought it was so funny... I am working right now and giggling in my cubicle at her blog. Just something small and funny to me. :)
Thursday, April 17
Sick Bitch!--Really a Fake!-- Wait! Now its Real?!
**** Another Update**** yesterday I read in the washington post that this Yale student is now saying she really did do these awful things! Whats going on? Whats the truth?
**** UPDATE**** I just found out that this whoel article was fake! WTF!??! Why woudl someone want to make something like this up? Its disgusting and terrible! Shame on the person that made this shit up! Really, whats wrong with you?
I am brought to tears after reading this... How can a woman do this to herself? How? How?
A Yale student who claims she artificially inseminated herself "as often as possible" and then took drugs to induce miscarriages for her senior art project says she will showcase the stomach-turning display next week — complete with her own blood samples and videos from the terminated possible pregnancies.
**** UPDATE**** I just found out that this whoel article was fake! WTF!??! Why woudl someone want to make something like this up? Its disgusting and terrible! Shame on the person that made this shit up! Really, whats wrong with you?
I am brought to tears after reading this... How can a woman do this to herself? How? How?
A Yale student who claims she artificially inseminated herself "as often as possible" and then took drugs to induce miscarriages for her senior art project says she will showcase the stomach-turning display next week — complete with her own blood samples and videos from the terminated possible pregnancies.
Therapy: Good Or Evil?
I have started therapy again last week with Jon, and during our session I was in a situation where I had to hash out memories that I had put in the WAYYYYYYY back of my mind, memories that I didn't want to return too, memories that made me extremely sad, memories that made me cry, memories that brought back fear, memories that have me thinking again. I thought that I had dealt with those memories, and put them away. It's obvious that I am not over them, according to my new therapist "Ms. Gentle and Sweet" She wants to help me feel, grieve, and hopefully get past those demons that rocked my brain for so long and and move forward. I thought I was already doing that, obviously not that well then.
So I am thinking about what happened almost 2 years ago. What happened to me, what I felt. It's strange when I think about what happened, I actually feel physical pain. It hurts deeply, and makes me super guilty and sad of the terrible things that happened. I am however, ready to talk with Ms Gentle and Sweet about myself and learn more about my behaviors, and how to face them head on, and realistically make a positive difference and improvement in my life. That, I am excited for.
Thats all. I want to share out loud.
So I am thinking about what happened almost 2 years ago. What happened to me, what I felt. It's strange when I think about what happened, I actually feel physical pain. It hurts deeply, and makes me super guilty and sad of the terrible things that happened. I am however, ready to talk with Ms Gentle and Sweet about myself and learn more about my behaviors, and how to face them head on, and realistically make a positive difference and improvement in my life. That, I am excited for.
Thats all. I want to share out loud.