Thursday, November 29

Latest Offer!

I got a new job at Lockheed Martin! I am now a Capture Manager in Business Development! I am going to be on the Management team working on proposals! I am excited about this 1 year job rotation! Getting to know the business from the beginning of proposal work and following through to a win! Pretty sweet, since I get to move back to Seabrook, and be closer to home, instead of driving all the way to Gaithersburg every morning and dealing with the 495 traffic in the morning and afternoon!


With moving to Seabrook offices again, I wont be paying $150 in gas every week! HOORAY!!!!

Monday, November 26

Forgive me for I have not blogged

Its been almost a month! WOW! I have been SUPER DUPER busy getting things finished up for school. Im done on Dec 9th! I am pretty pumped! I am changing jobs are going back to Seabrook in a totally new department and new job function! I am pretty pumped about that too! and... the most greatest thing is that its almost CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!

Jon and I decorated the house yesterday and put the tree up. It makes me feel so nice and homey! I love it! I love this time of year. Christmas has always been a favorite of mine, and last year was not so good, so this year is expected to be better! And Jon is spending Christmas with me and my family! Thats pretty awesome!

I am hoping also for good cheers for all my friends and family!

okay, thats about it for now.... I need a new phone.