Thursday, April 17

Sick Bitch!--Really a Fake!-- Wait! Now its Real?!

**** Another Update**** yesterday I read in the washington post that this Yale student is now saying she really did do these awful things! Whats going on? Whats the truth?

**** UPDATE**** I just found out that this whoel article was fake! WTF!??! Why woudl someone want to make something like this up? Its disgusting and terrible! Shame on the person that made this shit up! Really, whats wrong with you?


I am brought to tears after reading this... How can a woman do this to herself? How? How?

A Yale student who claims she artificially inseminated herself "as often as possible" and then took drugs to induce miscarriages for her senior art project says she will showcase the stomach-turning display next week — complete with her own blood samples and videos from the terminated possible pregnancies.


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April 19, 2008 at 3:21 AM  

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